Current Programs

Current Programs of ILC-Lalitpur :

1. Has been running project on "Promotion of Independent Living Concept of persons with disabilities in Nepal" in the collaboration of Mainstream Association Japan since August 2017 to till now.

Key Activities include:

  • Advocacy
  • Peer Support
  • Information and Referral
  • Personal Assistant Service
  • Barrier free campaign
  • Administrative support


2. Our other ongoing project includes: “Spreading and Strengthening the concept of independent living in Nepal" in the collaboration of USAID/PHASE Nepal that has been running from November 2019 and will run until September 2022.

Key Activities include:

  • Advocacy
  • Out Reach Camp for PWDs
  • Independent Living Program
  • Peer Support
  •  Study and research
  • Support ILC in the districts
  • Radio and TV program
  • IEC materials


3. Recently, our project " Capacity Building of Persons with severe and profound disabilities through the concept of Independent living " in collaboration of Abilis Foundation ran from December 2019 to November 2020.

Key Activities included:

  • Advocacy and Awareness (Meetings with local, province and federal level government)
  • Daily living life skill
  • IEC materials


4. Lastly, our project on " Advocacy activities on the issues of PWDs" in the collaboration of Ministry of Women Children and Senior Citizens 2020" is active and ongoing. The project caters to:

Interaction workshop with the stakeholders on the issue of accessible transportation:

  • Interaction workshop with the stakeholders on the issue of accessibility
  • Interaction workshop with the stakeholder on the issue of personal assistant services
  • Meetings on Independent living (IL Chautary)
  • IEC materials




If you have any disability and in need of motivation, advice or even just a mutual understanding conversation, please don’t hesitate and
Contact us for an appointment!

Logo of ILC Nepal. A illustration of person in wheelchair with both hands up.
Independent Living Center Lalitpur
Sanepa, Lalitpur, Nepal
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